We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the EASEC-18 conference. Prospective participants are
cordially invited to submit high quality research publications for possible inclusion in the conference. In
the first stage, authors are to send their abstracts for initial review by the committee to ensure their
relevance to the theme and topics. In the second stage, authors with accepted abstracts will be invited to
submit their full papers for peer-reviews. Each accepted paper will require a registration and will be
published in a proceeding indexed in Scopus.
Full papers should be prepared using the provided template in a Microsoft Word file. They should be written
in compliance with the instructions and submitted in Word format via the online submission system on the
conference website at https://easec18.org/. Authors are required to carefully proofread material before
submitting. Papers length should be 4-6 pages (including references) and must be prepared in correct
English. SI units should be used. Papers should concisely describe the background of the subject, the
authors’ work, including the methodologies used, discussion on the importance of the work, and concluding
remarks. Technical terms should be explained unless they are known to the broader scientific community.
Terms, acronyms, and abbreviations should be mentioned at their first appearance. Specific requirements can
be found in the template file below.